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The Origin of Fishing is not a single event, civilization, or person that is responsible for its creation. Fishing has been practiced by people since prehistoric times, and it has always been a vital form of food and trading currency. There are archaeological evidences of fishing dating back as far as 3500BC, with the ancient Egyptians being known to have used the earliest forms of fishing tools. Later, during the Roman Empire and Middle Ages, further evidence of fishing became available. In the United States, fishing began with natives, then evolved into commercial enterprises and eventually to the point that it is competitive today.


There are many techniques for fishing, but jerky is the most effective in shallow water. Smallmouth bass are particularly fond of rocky plateaus. Choosing the correct spot is critical since fish generally inhabit less than 20% of the body of water. Fortunately, there are many ways to catch a trout – from fly fishing to trolling. Listed below are some effective techniques. To find the right spot for you, start by researching the local fishing areas.


Fishing in Pennsylvania is governed by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, a state agency that is charged with the protection and management of aquatic organisms and places. These regulations include seasons, minimum size limits, fishing equipment, licenses, and more. These regulations also cover bait, which includes aquatic insects and other macroinvertebrates. Listed below are some of the most important regulations that govern fishing in Pennsylvania. These rules also help ensure that recreational anglers do not harm local wildlife.